Born to be real, not to be perfect.

2 min readOct 29, 2020

Be the real you.


Hey everyone, hope everything is good.Today i would like to share one of my thoughts,born to be real, not to be perfect.

Each and every person will be judged by the society, every now and then. For example when people achieve there dreams, there lifestyle,there atire, and what not. Due to this judmental society, people are more interested to be perfect that to be real. Let me ask you a question

What is perfection?

Is each and everything in this world is perfect?

No, Nothing is perfect in this world, it’s just our imagination. It’s based on some people opinion. Just ask to yourself, if everything is so perfect then why are we in developing new things?, Why we are making so many new explorations, inorder to be more perfect?

It is okay if you cannot score more marks than your friend in the examination, it is okay if you are not good at english, it is okay if you want to wear branded items, it is okay if you are a foodie, it is okay if you are not rich.

Everything is okay until it doesn’t hunt anyone, perfection is upto ourself, when you start to do something then just give your 100% don’t do it to be perfect, do it how you wanted to do, that makes you and your work perfect.

Don’t lose the real person in you for the sake of others, at certain time when you look back, you will not have anything done with satisfaction.

Remove the thought about society, remove the thought of being perfect in someone’s eyes, Just do it.

Stay positive, Stay real.

Thank you for reading, hope this peice of my thought would be helpful, Have a nice day!

