Install Bitnami wordpress on Ubuntu

1 min readDec 13, 2020

Simple steps to install bitnami which allows wordpress to run on our computer.



  1. Go to and click Win/Mac/Linux button below the title “on my computer”, file downloads automatically.
  2. Go to terminal => cd downloads(or downloaded file path) and use cmd: chmod +x bitnami-wordpress-5.6– && ./bitnami-wordpress-5.6–
  3. Installation process starts, Click next => next => ….and finish (You need to enter some credentials like usename,pasword, email while installation) ‘wordpress-5.6–0’ folder is downloaded.
  4. Go to to see the webpage.
  5. Click on “access wordpress”, You can see hello world! Message displayed.
  6. Use or (hit enter) to login and use the dashboard (login with credentials used while installation).
  7. Inorder to view servers status , go to wordpress-5.6–0 folder and double click on the file.
  8. A popup appears, click manage servers tab, you can observe mysql database and apache web server running.(you can manage servers using stop, run, stopall, etc..,).


Hope, this piece of text helps you, Have a great day!

