Maintenance is the key.

2 min readOct 25, 2020


Most of the people think starting a new task/skill is the actual problem.

But, maintaining the new task/skill is the real challenge we face. Knowingly or unknowingly we cannot focus on this key. Have you ever felt motivated one or the other day and started doing a task or developing a skill.? If so then ask these questions to yourself.


What is the progress of the task/skill you have started?

Did you learn more than yesterday?

You are thinking about it right? Yes, Let me give you an example of, how i came to know that maintenance is the key. I spend most of the time on social media and listing to music, One day i got motivated listening to an album and wanted to learn the language, I really started to learn few words each and every day, but after few days gradually my progress has stopped.

But, i didn’t realize about it.One day while me and my friends are having conversations, we came accross speaking different languages, then learning this language came into my mind, but seriously i can only remember one or two words.I have already wasted nearly 1yr without realising my mistake.

One might think, do we really need to maintain it? Yes, just compare your skill to a sapling, planting the sapling is the initial step, but the real challenge come’s while maintaining the sapling and growing it into a tree.If you fail to maintain then what is the purpose of planting it? In the same way we should maintain our skills, if we cannot maintain then what is the purpose to start or develop a new skill.

Motivate and push yourself to maintain what you have started.

Thank you for reading this post.I hope this piece will be helpfull.Have a great day.




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